New Year Well-being Plan
Our new year plan is not necessarily about making a new years resolution but looking at your life and ways that you can improve your well-being. This is not just for people who have had a miscarriage or a loss of any kind, it’s for anyone who wishes to improve their well-being going forward into 2021. So to go alongside our well-being plan we have written some tips to help you fill it out. You may find that some things go in more than one section and that’s ok. A lot of it will overlap because if your physical health improves you may see an improvement in your emotional health. In order to achieve things in one section, they may need to become a habit.
To ensure you stick to the plan, put it somewhere you can see it every day. This may be on your fridge, next to your bed or in your diary.
Physical Health
In this section list the changes that you want to see in your physical health. This can be things such as becoming fitter, losing weight or eating healthily. You can then add how you are going to achieve these changes. For example under getting fit you may decide to join a gym (when they re-open) or walk 15,000 steps a day. Whatever you choose to put in this section make sure its achievable.

Emotional Health
In this section list things that can boost your Emotional health. These can be things such as positive thinking, volunteering, meditating, reciting positive affirmations, anything that makes you feel good about yourself. If you are feeling low then this section can be particularly hard, you may need some help with this and it is ok to seek support from a counsellor to help change your way of thinking. We have a video (Dealing with negative thoughts) on our website that may be useful. Another way to boost your well-being is to listen to inspirational TED talks, read inspirational quotes. Get inspired and think of all the good things that you do.
Self care/me time
Self-care is not just about taking bubble baths and going for long walks in the countryside (although there is nothing wrong with this). It’s also about meeting your core needs, taking a break, and getting rid of things that don’t make you happy (Marie Kondo anyone?). In this section think about what makes you truly happy, is it spending time with your family? Is it travelling? Is it crafting? Are you doing enough of these things? If so great, if not, what is stopping you? What can you do to create more time for you to do these things? Could you get up an hour earlier? Could you take a sabbatical from work? It sounds like a cliché, but if there’s a will there’s a way (for most things anyway).

New Habits
I was once told that it takes 30 days for something to become a habit. So that’s 30 days of having to remember to do something before it becomes second nature. So in this section think about what habit you’d like to start going forward and also what you’d like to stop.
These could be things like starting a journal, doing yoga every day, stopping smoking, a no-spend month, less screen time.

Have Fun!
This has got to be the best section. What can you do to have fun this year? I know that Covid has changed things for us all but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun. Some of the most fun I had this year was in the first lockdown in March, we had challenges every week such as a tiktok challenge where we had to learn a dance, we did a sports day and challenges such as den building, writing a rap etc. All this was done with the whole family and we did have great fun doing it. So in this section think about what you can do to have fun, is it to not take yourself so seriously? Can you get away for a few days? What about singing in the kitchen? You know you and what you can do to have fun.
Annual reflection
This is probably more apt if you have done a well-being plan previously, but take a moment to think about the last year. What did it look like for you? What areas can you improve on? What are you proud of?
I hope this helps you fill out your wellbeing plan and has a positive impact on your life. We’d love to see how you get on, so please take a photo and post on social media using the hashtag #wellbeingwithmorganswings
Wishing you all the very best for 2021.